Logo Dr. Frans Janssens.
General practitioner at Kapellen (2950)


You can request a home visit at any time by calling 03/664 87 87.


A few guidelines to ensure we can help you efficiently :

In order receive assistance as quickly as possible, it is best that you call between 8 am and 10 am.
Please always clearly state your address and the reason for the request.
Mention all persons who need to be examined during the home visit.

In acute (life-threatening) conditions (day or night) and where you can’t move from your home, the doctor will be with you as soon as possible.

Whenever possible, do come to a consultation at the practice. Working in the consulting room itself is more beneficial to the patient: your personal data is at hand; there are wider treatment options and equipment available; examination is undertaken in suitable conditions, and furthermore it is less costly than a home visit.